The Fire Beam

Eaton’s beam detector provides excellent smoke detection compared to standard optical detectors in large, open areas such as warehouses, factories, arenas and airports.

Utilising reflective detection technology, the detector is formed by two parts: the transmitter-receiver that emits a constant beam of infra-red light and a reflector with a prism that angles the beam back at the transmitter-receiver. A fire is indicated to the panel when the beam is distorted.

Fire and fault conditions are signalled to the control panel using standard loop wiring, so no additional interconnection is required. While installation time and the requirement for wiring is limited compared to end-to-end beam detectors due to wiring only being required at the transmitter-receiver end. The range includes two options: up to 50 metres (which has one reflector) and up to 100 metres (which has four reflectors in formation) depending on the size of space.


Eaton’s beam detector provides excellent smoke detection compared to standard optical detectors in large, open areas such as warehouses, factories, arenas and airports.

Utilising reflective detection technology, the detector is formed by two parts: the transmitter-receiver that emits a constant beam of infra-red light and a reflector with a prism that angles the beam back at the transmitter-receiver. A fire is indicated to the panel when the beam is distorted.

Fire and fault conditions are signalled to the control panel using standard loop wiring, so no additional interconnection is required. While installation time and the requirement for wiring is limited compared to end-to-end beam detectors due to wiring only being required at the transmitter-receiver end. The range includes two options: up to 50 metres (which has one reflector) and up to 100 metres (which has four reflectors in formation) depending on the size of space.

The Fire Beam